7 - 10 April, 2020, Sochi , Main media centre


Doctors USA get hurt, but PPE still not wearing

Researchers at the International Centre for security dealing with the protection of workers of health, USA, found that in 2015, 48.7% of health care workers who received injuries from sharp objects, didn't use protection.

68,6% of physicians exposed to bodily fluids by damage from a needle, scalpel or other sharp objects, said these risks could be prevented.

Means to protect the eyes use less than 7% of health care workers who is constantly dealing with splashes of blood and other biological liquids! And this despite the fact that they fell into the eyes of two of the three such specialists.

"The results of the study should be a Wake-up call for many health care institutions are worried about the safety of staff and patients, — said the President and CEO of mtsb amber Mitchell in a press release dated 27 July. Data show an increase in exposure to sharps and contact with bodily fluids, which could lead to transmission of pathogens and a potential threat for the health workers, their patients and family members".

In Russia, things are about the same. Popular excuse – don't like the color of workwear.

Psychological studies show that a certain color of clothing can play an important role. For example, green workwear surgeons eyes helps the doctor to relax from the red colour of the blood, because these colors are contrasted in the human brain.

CEOs often difficult to explain all the intricacies of the use of overalls and to make it fit the desire of workers, and thus to convince the workers they need, so leaders have to accept an effective but extreme measure – to introduce a system of penalties for failure to comply with safety regulations.

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